It’s been a hallmark year for Urban Gleaners in many respects. We increased our fleet of vans by 100% (from 1 to 2) and our staff by 50% (from 2 to 3). Every month the amount of edible food we capture from the waste stream surges, as if there is a never-ending tidal wave of food to rescue.

We added two new programs last year. During the summer of 2013 we rolled out our Mobile Market , the only program where we do direct service to the community. Think of it as a free grocery store on wheels. Early in 2013 we announced breaking ground on our Field of Greens project. Since it’s inception, our garden has grown from 500 square feet to1,800 square feet. We use this space to supplement our donations with as many veggies and herbs as we can grow.

Our list of partners grows as well; we’ve added Le Cordon Bleu, Bon Appetit Catering Company, The Art Institute Restaurant, 2 more New Seasons locations and another Farmers market.

And we’ve outgrown our warehouse. Perhaps the most obvious symptom of our accelerated growth is the visual of an exploding warehouse. And as always we look upon this food with a mixture of elation and reservation. It is the food that helps us work towards a hunger free Oregon. It’s also a measure of the wastefulness and carelessness of our food system.

Ultimately, however, we welcome the growing pains. Every new source of food means we can increase the number of families we feed.

As for the new-year, who knows what’s in store? Certainly many more changes. We are watching the gleaning movement gain credibility and recognition (the first ever PNW Gleaning Conference happened last year). We’re expanding our programming even more (check out our Summer Supper Series 2014) (check back in for our soon to be speaker series!) and already thinking of expanding our staff.

Thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers who make our work possible. Let’s have another hallmark year.

Thanks from the Urban Gleaners Staff