Join our crew and make an impact

I have been volunteering with Urban Gleaners for years. The variety of roles makes it easy to find something that fits your schedule. The staff makes it enjoyable. Knowing you are keeping good food from going to waste and helping to feed hungry people is priceless.

— Carey B.

I look forward to my volunteer shift each week with Urban Gleaners. Everyone there is so welcoming and it makes our work so enjoyable. I’m so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful endeavor to provide our community with good food.

— Carol W.

I really enjoy volunteering in the warehouse, working side by side with staff members who are super friendly and helpful. It's a great organization doing really important work. I'm excited to be able to contribute in some small way each week.

— Jacqueline

Who would think that repackaging food would be fun? I do! I love the conviviality and community, the side benefit of taste testing to ensure the food has proper labels, and the sense of purpose of getting food out to people who can use it. Thanks Urban Gleaners.

— Alice M.

I am continually impressed by the staff's ability to move donated food in the door and then back out to the community on a daily basis. And in a friendly way! It's a busy but enjoyable place to volunteer.

— Elna O.

What a worthwhile experience and great organization filled with awesome people. I feel so lucky to be part of Urban Gleaners!

— Gabe

It has been so rewarding seeing all of the unwanted food go directly into the hands of people who need it. It’s so much fun seeing what we have each week—we call it “Thursday Christmas!” And I love helping people figure out how to prepare foods that are new to them.

— Nichole T.

Sorting and Repacking

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We sort fresh groceries and package high -quality prepared foods at our Central Portland warehouse daily. Sorting volunteers will assist in the main warehouse while repack volunteers work together in the kitchen area to curate meals for our markets.

Weekly Pickup Routes

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We rely on volunteers to regularly pick up smaller donations from grocery stores and restaurants in town. This can be a flexible opportunity that requires individuals to have their own car to transport the food and be able to lift 50 pounds.

Farm Gleaning

Join the Farm Glean Team – our newest addition to our Volunteer Program! As a harvest volunteer, you will head out to a farm site every week or every other week to harvest excess or unmarketable produce with a small team of fellow volunteers. This is a great opportunity to get a little dirty, engage closely with our local farmers and food system, and provide nutrient-dense produce for our Free Food Markets.

Park Market Support

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Urban Gleaners hosts three Free Food Park Markets per week at Lents, Mt. Scott, and Woodlawn Parks. These markets are largely volunteer-ran with the support of one of our Community Support Associates. Volunteers assist market attendees through the line, keep tables stocked, and monitor equitable distribution of grocery items.

Rapid Response Team

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Want to be involved but can’t quite commit weekly? Our Rapid Response Team receives notifications when Urban Gleaners may need coverage or extra help for any of the above volunteer opportunities.

Volunteering at Urban Gleaners

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