Once you become mired in your own profession, everything becomes normalized; the jargon (weird lexicon and acronyms), the systems, the software and the tools. We forget sometimes that we’re specialists in our field and that the outside world often doesn’t know the inner machinations of a specific organization.

We took a moment to reflect on how strange a normal “gleaning” day might look to a non-gleaner. How vastly different it is from dumpster diving (although another worthy pastime) or grocery shopping for your home kitchen. We wanted to open the proverbial doors to the public and invite you in for a Day in the Life of a Gleaner. We are happy to share our delight in the wonderful food we rescue everyday, often farm-fresh and organic. And to share in the delightful volunteers who work like mad to move the food around.

We had our illustrious pro-bono photographer Ariane Kunz pictorially narrate what it is we do. Kindly, the Sustainable Business Journal published our simple narrative.

Take a look at the full story here here